Easy Installation
This guide will provide you the easiest path to installing your new HAVEN lock! If you get stuck and need help, try some of our Advanced Tutorials that willl help guide you through some special circumstances. If you still need help, feel free to contact us and we will help guide you through the installation process.
Prepare your HAVEN
Lock Cycling
During shipment, the nylon straps that are inside your lock can settle and need to be properly set by cycling the lock 10 times. To cycle, press the manual lock foot pedalF to lock, and then press down on the locking gateE to close and unlock. This will ensure that your lock's internal nylon straps are properly calibrated before installing it on the floor.
Tools you will need for install
Wood Screws (provided)
Template (provided)
- 9-18v Power Drill
Phillips screw bit
1/8" drill bit
Phillips Screwdriver
Measuring Tape
NOTE: Screws provided with your HAVEN are Wood screws only. If you are mounting into tile or concrete floors, you will need to use the appropriate screws and drill bit for your floor type. View our special tile & concrete install packs for purchase on our website.
- Wood Screws (provided)
- Template (provided)
- Pencil/Marker
- 9-18v Power Drill
- Phillips screw bit
- 1/8" drill bit
- Phillips Screwdriver
- Measuring Tape